Plastic Packaging Raw Materials

These are the four categories of Plastic Packaging Resins as defined by the Society of the Plastics Industry, Inc. (SPI):

gallery-photogallery_pics-pic_1481.PETE : Polyethylene Terephthalate (commonly known as Polyester)

  • A clear, rather tough plastic that serves as a fairly good barrier to gas and moisture, and can stand up to reasonably high temperatures. As a result, it is commonly found in food containers. Most notably, soft drinks and water bottles.
  • It is very highly recycled, as it has many high-demand uses.
  • Highly safe and doesn’t interact with any kind of food or dressings.

gallery-photogallery_pics-pic_1512.LDPE: (Low Density Polyethylene)

  • LDPE is fairly tough and transparent, but is not very resistant to heat.
  • LDPE is used most commonly in the applications that use a normally rigid, but thin layer of plastic in a way that cloth might be used.
  • LDPE is recycled fairly

gallery-photogallery_pics-pic_1523.PP: (Polypropylene – Polypropylene)

  • PP has exceptional resistance to chemicals and bears the lowest density of the plastics commonly used in packaging.
  • It has a relatively high melting point, making it an ideal plastic for hot-fill liquids.

4.PS: (Polystyrene )

  • Polystyrene is a more commonly known as Styrofoam, only one of its possible forms. Styrofoam is (rather obviously) a foamed version of polystyrene that is used very commonly in food packaging.
  • Styrofoam makes its way into cups, egg cartons, plates and peanuts on a fairly regular basis.
  • In spite of its acceptance as a container for prepared food and beverages, polystyrene has a low melting temperaturegallery-photogallery_pics-pic_153 Polystyrene is easily recycled.
  • Not recommended for food packing as it can be carcinogenic so SHADYPACK is using PS only for producing the products that’s not for food contact like ampoule tray.